It is proposed to submit a new planning application for a seven-storey building and 33 storey building comprising 688 student beds in the taller building plus full replacement of the existing commercial space and 23 family homes for social rent in the smaller building.
Given changing market conditions we are looking to revise that planning approval to deliver 23 family homes for social rent, 1980sqm of flexible employment floorspace and 688 student bedrooms. The student bed will be contained in the taller building together with the commercial uses at the lower floors. The social rented accommodation will be contained in the lower podium building.
Joseph Homes is a multi-award-winning housebuilder that has been crafting homes with character since 2008. Our activity in Southwark includes the re-development of 25-33 Parkhouse Street where planning approval was granted for 109 homes and 1,351 sqm of modern flexible commercial space in October 2021 which will be deliver as a 100% affordable scheme by Southern Housing Group and the development of 5-9 Rockingham Street.
The key benefits of the scheme are as follows:
The new proposals have sought to adopt the massing, form, architectural expression and materiality of the consented scheme, as this was based on sound and accepted design principles relating to the site, context and a rigorous design development and engagement process. Given the change in proposed uses, the new programme of use derives a new architectural expression within this established framework.
We will be providing 17 x 3 bed homes and 6 x 4 bed homes, all of which will be social rented accommodation.
The proposed materials will reflect those of the consented scheme, including terracotta and precast cladding for the taller building, and brick with stone detailing for the lower building. The same approach of depth to reveals and design quality is proposed.
The student accommodation will be provided with dedicated internal amenity space, located at ground and top floor levels, with an external terrace garden. This amenity space will include play space, study space and leisure space, and contribute to a vibrant student community. The residential element will be provided with a roof top garden and children’s play space. The development as a whole will benefit from a newly designed public square amenity space for the enjoyment of all uses.
Yes. We will also be operating a training and apprenticeship scheme on the site, employing apprentices throughout the construction phase. We will ensure that a proportion of these apprenticeship opportunities are given to talented young people from Southwark.
Joseph Homes and its development team will work with Southwark Council to both to minimise disruption during construction and to create employment and training opportunities. Construction of the development should create opportunities for construction jobs for the local community.
Given that the massing and form of our new scheme is similar to our previous proposal submitted by the Applicant in 2019, we are undertaking a targeted engagement programme with key stakeholders and those who responded to our previous plans as well as updating our website,, and we welcome feedback on our plans. We have also held one meeting with Planning Officers at Southwark to discuss our revised plans for this site.
It is proposed to submit a planning application to the Council in the Spring of 2023.
Your views are of vital importance for us at this phase of our consultation. We would like to hear from as many of you as possible and welcome your feedback through our feedback forms or email address.
All feedback received during the consultation, either in writing or in person, will be considered carefully by the project team during the finalisation of the final development proposals and will be addressed in the Statement of Community Involvement that accompanies the Planning Application.
The purpose of the public engagement is to elicit views and receive feedback from the general public for the redevelopment plans and it is expected that suggestions will emerge that may improve the scheme. As such, all comments received during the consultation will be carefully considered as final development proposals are drawn-up and changes may be made.
We are required to balance the underdeveloped nature of the site with the impacts that its redevelopment may have on the local community. We have assessed the daylight/sunlight impact of the development in accordance with the guidelines set out by the Buildings Research Establishment. As a result, the massing of the proposed buildings has been distributed to minimise negative impacts on daylight and sunlight to neighbouring properties.
This information will be made available for residents to view, and Joseph Homes will be happy to explain the contents of it once it is available.
Given the site’s excellent public transport links, the scheme will be a car-free development with no off-street parking for visitors and occupiers. There will be two accessible car parking spaces. The moving in process for students will be carefully managed at the start and end of each year so that disruption to surrounding residents is minimised.
The development will be serviced along Sylvan Grove, and a new dedicated service bay is proposed adjacent to the external courtyard at ground level. This service bay will facilitate every day deliveries, as well as provide for move-in and move-out days. Furthermore, it will provide for refuse collection for the student accommodation, residential and commercial uses on the site, and this would be subject to a detailed refuse strategy.
We are committed to provide cycle parking in accordance with planning policy requirements and have provided for the following:
Residential - 46 long stay / 2 short stay
Commercial - 44 long stay / 8 short stay
PBSA - 688 long stay / 69 short stay
The long stay cycle parking has been designed to serve each use independently, at a ratio mix of 80:15:5 for double stacking racks: cycle hoops: larger spaces (for mobility bikes etc). The short stay visitor cycle parking will be located in the public realm close to building entrances.
The whole scheme should take around 24 months from start to finish.
Construction hours will be limited by the London Borough of Southwark as follows:
- 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday
- 8am to 1pm Saturdays
It is Joseph Homes intention to deliver a building as energy efficient as possible. Its target is to be operationally net zero and it hopes to get as close to this figure as possible. The development will feature PV panels on the roof and it is exploring connection to the district heat network.
All Joseph Homes developments are designed and constructed using passivhaus principles. Joseph Homes are signatories of the World Green Building Council and are committed to hitting the 2025 and 2030 target levels as set out in the LETI (Low Energy Transformation Initiative) carbon targets.
Yes, at appropriate times.
A construction management plan will be implemented to minimise disruption during the construction phase and outline the programme for construction works. This would be a condition of any planning permission received and would be formulate in close liaison with LB Southwark transport team.
There will be no night-time working during construction.
During the construction phase of the development careful consideration will be given to minimise the disruption to local residents as much as possible.
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